Poppy areas swell in Shan south (編按:居住於撣邦的老一輩華人,基本上沒有任何機會接受良好完整的教育,在閉塞惡劣的環境裡謀生存,辛苦地哺育下一代,期待自己的下一代會比自己有出息,但是,大環境如此,他們的下一代真的會比他們有作為嗎?翻開撣?婚禮顧問像c毒大戶的名單,前幾名清一色都是當地土生土長華人,沒有人給他們機會接受良好完整的教育,部份人地球是圓還是橢圓都沒有能力分辨,他們又怎麼會知道自己在做什麼呢?他們的未來是暗 房屋出租淡的。 每一代人都肩負著各自的使命,不論想擔也好不想擔也罷,冥冥之中似乎己注定逃不掉。我們除了盡最大努力穩住我們這一代及更小的一代外,在高度肅殺的環境裡,現階段我們又能做什麼呢?)Poppy are 個人信貸as swell in Shan south 19 June 2007 S.H.A.NAs the 26 June deadline drew near, farmers in southern Shan State under the sway of two allied ceasefire groups had appeared to have increased the size of their 土地買賣fields during the last poppy season that ended in March, according to a recent report filed by Ethnic Youth Network Group. More than 6,000 acres of land in Hsihseng, Mawkmai and Faikhun (Pekhon) townships had been g 房屋二胎rown, compared to an estimated 4,000 acres during the 2005-06 season. "This was in spite of stern warnings by the PaO National Organization (PNO) and Shan State Nationalities Peoples Liberation Organization (SNPLO) forbidding farmers to g 裝潢row, unlike previous years within public view," said a member of the EYNG who is active inside Burma. The PNO areas, officially Shan State Special Region #6, has been declared to be opium-free beginning this year, according to UN World Food Program ( 房屋出租WFP) which is granting food assistance to ex-poppy farming communities in Shan State. Apart from the PNO, SNPLO and KNG (Kayan National Guard, another ceasefire group), farmers were required to pay "appropriate kickbacks" to Light Infantry Battalions (LIBs) 423, 424, 裝潢425, 426 and other units under Faikhun-based Military Operations Command (MOC) # 7, says the report. At least 4 heroin refineries are also believed to be located in the areas. Further details however are yet to be uncovered by the group. "We will need more time and resources," said the 裝潢 member. The EYNG findings were in line with SHAN report Ceasefire group poised between quitting and continuation, 24 April 2007. Poppies in Faikhun (Pekhon) township (2006-2007) Poppies in Hsihseng and Mawkmai townships (2006-2007) http://www.shanland.org/drugs/2007/poppy-areas-swell-in-shan- 房屋買賣south  .

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